Group of attendees at ACA conference

Help Shape the 2025 ACA Conference & Expo Program

Share your expertise and knowledge with peers and colleagues at the 2025 ACA Conference & Expo, March 27–29 in Orlando, Florida.

We invite counselor clinicians, educators and students to submit proposals and help us build a rich and robust program for the 2025 event. ACA is seeking session proposals that cover the most pressing topics in the field. From trauma and diagnosis and assessment to finding your voice and advocating on behalf of the profession, we want to hear from you!

Session Types

  • 30-, 60- or 90-minute Education Sessions 
    Held in theater-style lecture room, equipped with a projector and screen. Sessions may be either 30-, 60-, or 90-minutes in length.
  • Roundtable Discussions
    Multiple sessions occurring together in a large room. Includes one large table for discussion-led presentation. No audio-visual equipment will be available.
  • Poster Sessions
    Multiple sessions occurring together in a large area. Setup includes one large bulletin board for posting material. No audio-visual equipment will be available.
  • Rapid Fire Sessions
    10-minute talk, followed by three minutes of Q&A. Projector and screen will be available.
  • Pre-Conference Workshop
    Half-day or full-day workshop held prior to the official start of the conference on March 26.

Session Proposal Information & Tips

  • A proposal may not be submitted multiple times. (e.g., a proposal submitted as 60-minute Education Session; also submitted as a 30-minute Poster Session, etc.) 

  • An individual may not be listed on more than three (3) session proposals (excludes invited sessions). 

  • The primary presenter must be a current ACA member in good standing. ACA will verify your membership, so please make sure it is current and remains current for the conference (through March 2025).
  • The primary presenter is the contact person and is responsible for notifying all co-presenters of acceptance, rejection, scheduling and any other information provided by ACA. The primary presenter's email address is the primary form of communication.
  • Presenters must identify with at least one of the following three (3) specific categories related to relevant education and/or experience:
    • Presenter must: (a) Hold a graduate degree in a mental health field from a regionally accredited educational institution; and (b) Be qualified by appropriate education, experience and/or training to present on the subject.
    • Presenter must: (a) Hold a graduate degree from a regionally accredited educational institution directly related to the subject matter presented; and (b) Be qualified by appropriate education, experience and/or training to present on the subject.
    • Presenter must: (a) Be qualified by appropriate education, experience and/or training to present on the subject.
  • Presenters are responsible for all travel expenses including lodging, transportation, and meals.
  • Presenters may not charge a separate attendance fee.
  • Presenters may not submit presentations promoting a product or service or sell any during the session. Presenters who wish to sell products or services must purchase exhibit space.
  • Presenters must be able to attend the ACA 2025 Conference & Expo and be available to present any day/time during the conference.
  • Presenters must register for the Conference by February 14, 2025, to present. Presenters not registered by this deadline will not be listed in the Conference Program or allowed to present. The primary presenter is to update ACA of any presenter changes by February 14, 2025. Changes after February 14, 2025, must be reported to ACA but may not be reflected in the Conference Program.
  • Presentation materials must be original to the presenter or used with permission of the copyright holder. This includes movies, television, commercials, social media video clips, photographs, and music. Presenters grant ACA the right to use these materials consistent with professional development.
  • Presenters attest the information provided (including literature and research data) is true, accurate and will adhere to the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics.
  • Recording of a live session is prohibited without written consent from ACA. ACA reserves the right to edit session title, description and additional promotional information for style and consistency.
  • Do not submit the same proposal under different formats (i.e., submission as a 60-minute session and the same as a 30-minute poster session).
  • Do not use presenter name(s) or identifying information, except under the presenter contact information section(s), as the proposal process includes a blind review.

By submitting a conference proposal, all presenters must agree to the submission guidelines and instructions. 

  • Attendees have many sessions to select from and often choose those that have well-written descriptions.
  • Attendees desire brief reviews of research that support the concepts presented.
  • Prepare your proposal in a Word document and use the grammar/spell check before copying and pasting into the online form.
  • ACA is seeking advanced programs that provide in-depth knowledge or skills beyond the general or intermediate level.
  • ACA is seeking sessions that actively engage and involve the audience.
  • Education Sessions are recommended to utilize a three-part presentation structure: 1/3 teaching content, 1/3 engaging the audience, and 1/3 processing the learned content.
  • Save a copy of your submission for your reference and records.
  • Presenter Headshot Tips:
    • Photo image:
      • Submit a color photo, taken in the last 6 months.
      • Use a clear image of your face, do not use filters commonly used on social media.
      • If possible, have someone else take your photo.
      • Use a plain background.
    • Resolution, Print Size, and Quality:
      • Submit a high-resolution photo that is not blurry, grainy, or pixelated.
      • The correct size of the photo is 3 x 4 inches.
    • Pose and Expression:
      • Have a natural smile with both eyes open.
      • Face the camera directly with full face in view
  • How many times is a single presentation offered?
    Each session is presented one time during the Conference.

  • How will my proposal be reviewed?
    Proposals are blind-reviewed. A committee of professional ACA members will review and rate proposals.

Member News

Member News

ACA 2025 Conference & Expo in Orlando FAQs

The American Counseling Association will continue with its longstanding plan to host its 2025 Annual Conference & Expo in Orlando, Florida. In a letter to members, ACA President Edil Torres Rivera, PhD, and CEO Shawn Boynes shared the rationale ...


For questions regarding the proposal process, please contact